Owls trucks and buzz words
More Thank You's
Lots of pictures
Dear Prayer Partners,
‘With my hands lifted up, and my mouth filled with praise, with a heart of thanksgiving I will bless thee oh Lord. ‘
This song has been going through my head for the last while, here are some of the things we would like to give thanks for and bless the Lord.
· The visitors who have been coming to Volmoed now that we are open.
· That all our staff are healthy and back at work, though it is on limited hours.
· The rain that has fallen and that there has been no serious damaged on the property due to high winds.
· The beautifying of the berm at the entrance with aloes.
· Being able to bless the inhabitants of Tesselaarsdal with soup and sandwiches every week. As well as for the donations we have received for this.
· That the cows are doing well and we continue to have enough milk for our use and making butter which is for sale. (They have now been on Volmoed for a year, as has Blazio.)
· The good news from Peterus that his daughter Zoe successfully had the tumour removed from her liver.
In this time we would like prayers of healing for Edwin Arrison and his family who are ill with the Corona Virus
We have been struggling to get UIF payments for our staff, despite numerous communications with SARS
We would like to congratulate Brother Roger who was elected to Council at our recent Chapter meeting.
The following notice has been put out by the Brothers:
Thank you to the Committee for drawing up the protocols and guidelines. It seems good and fair. After careful consideration the monastic community has decided that all our future services and offices will be private and for the monks only
Birthday Celebrations
Come visit Volmoed during your birthday month and make use of our
Buy one night and get one free deal
With rain comes rainbows, reminding us of God’s promises to us.
Paul writes to the Corinthians
For all the promises of God find their Yes in Him. That is why it is through Him that we utter our Amen to God for His glory.
2 Cor 1:20
Further Reading
Thanksgiving, fires and roadworks Remember the Christmas Carol Picnic
Rowan Williams visit just round the corner now. Many spring firsts Flood "anniversary"
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